COMING SOON: God gave rules that define which animals are for food and which animals aren't. Were these laws just for Israelites, should we observe them today, or were they eventually removed entirely? In our lifelong journey to be obedient to our God, is this important to Him?
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Click to visit the Church of God Assembly for more indepth studies on this topic:
10 Commands That Will Change the World
Can your life be better? What if there were a code to help us improve every part of our lives? There is, but it might not be what you think.
a 6 minute read
Holidays Or Holy Days?
Should we observe Christian holidays? Were the biblical Holy Days done away with? Does it even matter to God? What does the Bible actually say?
A 9 minute read
Sunday or Saturday: What Day Is The Sabbath?
When is the Sabbath? Is the Sabbath Jewish? Is Sunday the Christian Sabbath? How do we keep the Sabbath holy? What does the Bible actually say?
An 8 minute read
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COMING SOON: God gave rules that define which animals are for food and which animals aren't. Were these laws just for Israelites, should we observe them today, or were they eventually removed entirely? In our lifelong journey to be obedient to our God, is this important to Him?
May We Suggest...
Dig Deeper ⬀
Click to visit the Church of God Assembly for more indepth studies on this topic:
10 Commands That Will Change the World
Can your life be better? What if there were a code to help us improve every part of our lives? There is, but it might not be what you think.
a 6 minute read
Holidays Or Holy Days?
Should we observe Christian holidays? Were the biblical Holy Days done away with? Does it even matter to God? What does the Bible actually say?
A 9 minute read
Sunday or Saturday: What Day Is The Sabbath?
When is the Sabbath? Is the Sabbath Jewish? Is Sunday the Christian Sabbath? How do we keep the Sabbath holy? What does the Bible actually say?
An 8 minute read
Related FAQ's
Who are the lost tribes of Israel?
Click For more FAQS
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