Find out what the Bible says. Allow scripture to interpret itself.
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Making Sense of Today
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End Times & Prophecy
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Frequently Misunderstood
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God gave dos and don'ts for animals, defining clean and unclean meat. Were these removed or should we follow them today?
A lot of Bible prophecy is about Israel, but is it just the nation we see today? Who are the USA & Great Britain in the Bible & end-time prophecies?
You have an opportunity to transform the world as a saint of God. Are you willing to take the challenge? What does the Bible actually say?
What happens to our soul at death? Does it go somewhere? Does our soul make us immortal? What does the Bible actually say?
Armageddon evokes images of war and destruction. But is it a battle? A place? Will it bring the end of the world? What does the Bible actually say?
Can we understand what this mark is? What happens if I accept or reject the mark of the beast? What does the Bible actually say?
Why do we need the Holy Spirit? How do we receive the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit do for us? What does the Bible actually say?
Deception. Wars. Famines. Pandemics. Who are the four horsemen of the apocalypse in Revelation? How can we escape? What does the Bible actually say?
Who is the Beast in Revelation? Can we really discover its identity and meaning? What does the Bible actually say?
How do we know the Bible is the Word of God? Is it true and reliable? Click here for the Truth!
Thousands of churches claim the same Bible but teach different things. Does "church" matter? What does the Bible actually say?
Should we observe Christian holidays? Were the biblical Holy Days done away with? Does it even matter to God? What does the Bible actually say?
When is the Sabbath? Is the Sabbath Jewish? Is Sunday the Christian Sabbath? How do we keep the Sabbath holy? What does the Bible actually say?
What is baptism? Is it important? Why does it matter? The answers may surprise you. What does the Bible actually say?
Does God really exist? Does science support or disprove the Bible & God’s existence? Find the truth: creation, God & the laws that govern us all.
Is there life after death? Does God reveal the answer in His Word? Do you go to heaven when you die? What does the Bible actually say?
Can your life be better? What if there were a code to help us improve every part of our lives? There is, but it might not be what you think.
What is the purpose of this life? Why do we exist, and what are we supposed to be doing with our lives?
God has an incredible plan for mankind. It's one of the greatest truths from the Bible, but it's rarely ever told.
The Millennium: It’s the beginning of peace. It’s the end of hunger, disease, and pain. But what is it?
What is The Kingdom of God? A true, everlasting, actual utopia on earth. We (and the Bible) can prove it.
One of the most important messages in the Bible reveals that Jesus Christ has a warning for us.
IS THIS THE END? Are we living in the last days? How can we know whether we are near “the end of the world”? Can we prove it?
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